Recent Posts

  • Future Diaries on Gitcoin

    Web3? Quadratic funding? New concepts of economics in your universe never cease to amaze us! But if they can contribute to climate solutions we're happy to test them out in practice!

  • Not for Granted

    What would a universe where basic income is reality look like and how did it get there? Tune in and find out!

  • Days of Future Passed

    Antonis shares one of his own diary entries from glider school, and Mike has questions: just how have people in the Tau Omicron Upsilon X2 universe been managing in a world without money? Tune in and find out!

  • Become a Future Diaries Patron by February 14 and get a postcard!

    Get a handwritten postcard from the future!

    New year, new season, new beginning. Join our community and become a Patron by February 14 and get a handwritten postcard from one of the Future Diaries crewmembers!

  • A New Beginning

    We began our new season by reconnecting with Tev'Dilar and Colin 235F! Why the urge to reconnect and what can we learn from it? Tune in and find out!

  • The Night Comes Again

    Beryl, a semi-amphibious human from an alternative version of Michigan, joins us in this episode to talk about everyday life and work in her universe. What can we learn from it? Tune in and find out!

  • An interview and a worldbuild jam

    Once again, the Future Diaries crew decided to pose as 21st century humans, in order to take part in another podcast we really enjoy from your universe! Tune in and listen to our interview on Worldbuild With Us.

  • After they’ve gone

    Tev’Dilar, a young Ser’Lidin xenoanthropologist with a special interest in Earth and humans in her universe, joins us in this episode to talk about humans in her universe, and the Ser’Lidin’s interplanetary policy of non-intervention. What can we learn from it? Tune in and find out!

  • The Journey

    Can you imagine a universe entirely consisting of narratives? Thanks to SIBs, we actually connected to one on this episode! Tune in and hear all about it from the Messenger!

  • The Kind Folks on Titan

    Titanians have found a missing link for making sense of their own world on Earth. Storytelling seems to be the key to intergalactic communication. But how and why? Join us as Dylan explains!